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Dream Interpretation

The Art of Interpreting the Subconscience Thoughts


I've not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not had any previous experience interpreting dreams- but I think I've come up with plausible interpretations for these specific circumstances:


1.  Trombone Salesman:  A dream I once had myself- the trombone salesman that would not leave- consider the following:  Are you looking to purchase an instrument, but don't want others to know?  Or is something in your life being a nuisance?  Or - are you the salesman?  And even- do you play the trombone?  And do you have a cookie?  I can give you a much better interpretation with a cookie!
2.  A board meeting with angry monkeys:  This dream could shine a light on your interaction with others.  Are you finding that when you work with others- they goof off and get angry?  Or have you been to the zoo lately and put a wooden board over the monkey cage causing the monkeys to be increasingly angry?  If so- RUN!!!
3.  The flying dream.  This dream is often mistaken for a feeling or longing of freedom- however I feel there is a more appropriate way of seeing it.  I think it shows a longing to be a bird.  My suggestion?  By some of those craft feathers and make yourself a technicolor chicken suit!
4.  The falling dream.  Most people would say this shows how you're falling from a hierarchy with you career- yadayadayada- or something like that.  I again disagree that this is the only way to look at this dream.  I think it shows the yearning to be a leaf- and with further insights- it's time to rake your leaves..  My suggestion?  Simple- rake your leaves.  Rain may be coming- and if you don't rake them- the drains on the street might get clogged- and well you'll have a swimming pool for a street. 
5.  The musical rock band wanna be dream.  It is so typical- it is your dream of being in a rock band- the ultimate wanna be rock band.  A very important question must be answered before any further insights can be offered- where are you rehearsing?  In a garage with the door open, hole in the back yard with a soundproof door on top and no animals or lifeforms in sight?  Or in a professional studio?  If you were in the professional studio- why don't you try making the band- great music awards could be in store.  The garage- try it anyways- it might be a fun experience hanging with your friends.  The hole?  Don't go for it- there must've been a reason why the poor little squirrels left town and the trees that can't leave the neighborhood donated a few branches for the sound proof door. 

6.  The napping dream!  Now this one is a weird and strange encounter.  I encountered it the other day.  I was taking nap when I had this dream. and I knew that I really should be running outside instead.  And that's exactly what happened in my dream- I was taking a nap, but thinking when I woke up periodically that I should go outside and run.  This dream shows that you, and I rather, want to run away from our dreams!!!  Clearly this must be stopped!  If there is a clock in your dream, for example the clock I said said 1:42, that you must think of one of your goals, and spend that much time working to achieve it!  Anyways, I got to go, looks like I have one hour and 42 minutes to conquer Europe!  Better go call up Napoleon!  Oh no!  Did I say nap????


Do you have any dreams you would like to share?  E-mail me at or sign my guest book!!

My interpretations may be completely illogical.  Do not trust them one bit- except for that cookie part........