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Hou's Wonderful Whatzit Whozit Web Dictionary

Finally, what you've all been waiting for!

Write your messages in style!  Discover alternatives to the all too boring "lol" and "brb."  Never bore your buddies again!  This is a dictionary of all the web terms that you and I, and or I only use, and or perhaps what only my missing socks pet monkey (yes even my missing socks have a pet) use.  Anyways, this dictionary will never, and I mean never, be finished (that would be impossible!).  However, I would like it to become very close to being finished anyways.  So that means if there is any web language words, phrases, etc. that you would like, love, not like, or even strongly dislike (I can be stubborn) to get added to this dictionary, please leave me a note either in an email or in my guestbook.  !Gracias mi amigas y amigos!

Web Dictionary

lol :  laughing out loud
rofl :  rolling on floor laughing
wE :  whatever
ttyl :  talk to you later
nm :  nothing much
dhw :  doing homework
nvm :  nerer mind
sup? :  What is up?  or What is going on? or How are you? or How is your life going right now? 
brb :  be right back
g2g :  got to go
peeps :  people, friends
np :  no prob Bob (Bob is optional)
syl :  see you later!
wby :  what about you?
nk :  no(t) kidding
sh :  sugar high
fyi :  for your information
siyak :  sorry if you already knew
lmro:  laughing my rump off
k:  okay or otay dotay!
isayki!:  I'm special and you know it!
odywywm:  Oh don't you wish you were me
afk = Away From Keyboard
bak = Back At Keyboard
btw = By The Way
gmta = Great Minds Think Alike
imho = In My Humble Opinion
oic = Oh, I See
ttfn = Ta-Ta For Now
wtg = Way To Go
IC= I see 
ttyl= talk to you later
gmro= giggling my rump (as in rumpis) off
aictnbtiagmtjcitraivvvvvva:  AHH!!  I can't talk now because there is a giant monkey that just came into the room and is very very very very very very angry
bah:  bah

Home Sick Web Dictionary

col :  Coughing out loud
cofl :  Coughing on floor laughing
soc :  Sneezed off my chair
sYl  :  Sneeze ya later!!(take note of the capped y so it is not to be cofused with syl)  Sorry about this one-I know it's lame but i couldn't help myself!!